Join the UQuest Team

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UQuest - Join our Team
UQuest offers a very personal, strong customer experience for our participants.  We are looking for individuals with the professionalism to continue that tradition.  Thank you for applying.  

Finally, always remember, UQuest believes in community.  Local talent for each adventure race is what we seek.

If you are in the business of promoting yourself such as a blogger or personal trainer, you may want to visit our UQuest Partners page to see if there is a better fit.  You would have to have an established social media presence in your profession.
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* Indique une question obligatoire
Contact Information
Applicant Name *
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Phone Number *
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Email Address *
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Skype User Name
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What city do you want to Join the UQuest and help us rock the city. *
Choose all that apply.
What position are you applying *
Challenge Coordinator Applicants complete this section only
Give us a little info about your mojo.
Choose all that apply.
If you were a Challenge Coordinator, why would participants remember you?
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Please complete the relevant section below
If applying for the UQuest Development Team please elaborate on your area of expertise.  We will contact you to discuss the opportunity.
Example:  Live Marketing, Sales, Have Ideas to Share, Virtual Assistant
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If applying for a paid photographer position, tell us a little bit about your background and/or your vision for shooting a UQuest event.
Example:  Any online portfolios you have displayed.  Hint, a secret that we are not trying to hide, we love to work with people who find this type of activity energizing and not just another gig.
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Supporting Information
To complete your application please send resumes, references, portfolios, statement of experience, photos, etc... to

If we see a match, we will contact you.  Thank you for applying.
Are you real?  Please prove you are human.
Please type in the following expression below:  Join the Quest
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